Club trip to Ngatea

Club Trip to Ngatea

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DAY 1 The Club trip to Ngatea left Whangarei at 8.15 am; a happy bunch of people, weather great, scenic drive to Whitford. Visited Bill’s Toys & Vintage Museum – amazingly comprehensive collection of dolls, prams, model cars, planes, trucks, pedal cars etc. Had lunch in museum Tea Room.

After morning briefing we drove to the park in Ngatea, with show cars coming from all directions. We were lucky to find a spot for the group, and no sooner had we parked we were totally packed in by cars arriving.

There were many superb cars to see and we had lunch under the trees.

At 1.00 pm after prize giving, the show finished and then a mass exit, surprisingly efficient. We found our Motel in Waiuku, freshened up, enjoyed a pleasant happy hour in the garden then off to the Cosmopolitan Club for an excellent

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